Wednesday 14 May 2008

If I was suffering from addiction and you were my WORKER in the fleld.

If I was suffering from addiction and you were my key worker what would I ask from you?

A SCRIPT FOR SOME VALLIE OR DIFFS? MAYBE SOME ANTIBUSE PERHAPS, help sorting out my benefits , possibly, a referral to a rehab or detox mmmmmh.

But WHAT IF I asked you to reconnect with why you got into the job and to tap into that passion for helping others and being of service to people you wanted to help.

WHAT IF I asked the organisation you work for to re-center itself both clinically and ethically.

WHAT IF I asked you to change your service in response to new knowledge and the changing characteristics of clients, families, and communities.

WHAT IF I asked the whole addiction field to address the problems of leadership, development and succession.


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