Monday, 14 November 2011

Eloquent Ranting?

Wee eloquent rant from  Alistair Sinclair

Did a bit of a presentation to Wakefield service providers this afternoon, at their 'Recovery Uncovered' event. Followed Mark Gilman which is a bit of a challenge. I decided to take the title literally and have a go at the 'uncovering' bit; Mostly after I heard someone down the room say "we've been doing it for years".

I asked them if they had strength-based systems embedded within all serviceprovision. I asked them if they centred everything round clear recovery values (that everyone was aware of) and these values had been generated with the community (inc people in recovery/recovering and front-line workers) and were regularly reflected upon/discussed by all. I asked them what the 'Recovery principles' were.

I asked if they had established clear recovery-orientated standards and measures and if these had been generated with people in recovery/recovering and front-line workers. I asked them if they proactively engaged in anti stigma and anti- discrimination campaigns. I asked them if they engaged proactively in any social justice issues at all. I asked them if they'd heard of Bill White and/or Larry Davidson and/or John Mcknight.

I asked them how they proactively embraced 'primacy of participation' principles in all aspects of service planning, delivery and review. I asked them how they demonstrated that they instilled/renewed optimism, hope and belief. I asked them how they demonstrated they supported people in finding their place in the community, how they supported people in identifying their strengths and the assets that existed in the community, how they supported the re-defining of self, how they built recovery into harm reduction services. I asked them if their assessment documentation was strength-orientated.

I asked how they could commission 'recovery-orientated' services without a quality framework for recovery.

I didn't get any answers. The bloke who said "we've been doing it for years" left the room during my presentation. I might not be getting invited back.

Some days I just can't keep pretending that some services have the slightest idea of what 'recovery-orientated services' are let alone what 'Recovery' is. This is not down to most people at the front end of services. They do the best they can with what they've got. This is the responsibility of a government that 'champions' recovery whilst stripping away the things that might support it and, all the while, generates a disgusting 'deserving/undeserving poor' narrative. This is the responsibility of civil servants who mouth the latest thing they are expected to mouth without taking the time to listen, understand and challenge. This is the responsibility of commissioners who embrace lunatic schemes like payment by Results (which flies in the face of recovery-orientation and commodifies everybody in the process) and stand silent whilst the naked emperor walks past. This is the responsibility of the big charities who (knowingly and cynically) take the money in the pursuit of their expansionist dreams. This is the responsibility of all who stand by as things become just a little bit more unequal day by day. This is the responsibility of those who remain silent.

It's been one of those days. It's been one of those weeks. No; I'm not ready to let go. When I've got a few more comrades alongside me; walking the walk, then maybe.
We make the path by walking it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really respect what you’re writing here. Keep working that way. Take care!