Sunday, 27 March 2011

UKRF Conference: More news!

UKRF Conference: More news!

Dear all,
A quick update from the UKRF.
Good news is that the conference has resulted in a great deal of interest, less good is that we are getting very near to having to close bookings. At this stage there are some places available, so if you do want to attend please do get in touch on as soon as possible.
In an ideal world we would make space for everyone who wants to come but, given the conference is workshop based, there is a danger that we actually mitigate against people having a voice as there will be too many people to get a word in edgeways.
However, it is vitally important to the development of the UKRF that we are able to reflect the strengths of the Recovery community across the UK and to gather and record as much information as possible to inform future direction. We are also aware that currently many participants are from more northerly climes, due to the location of the conference.
So one possibility would be to hold some additional conferences in other places – for example The Midlands. The South and in Scotland – if there is sufficient interest, demand and organisations that would be willing to help sponsor an event.
So it is over to you really. If this is something that you would like to see happen please do get in touch via the above e-mail address with your name and location and we will go from there.
Recovery is a Reality

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